dezhou – 德州 – 中国, 渤海湾 | +86534275545 | | | ||
产业 > 金属,废旧,矿产,采矿..虚拟,全息图,3D, |
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 奥克兰 (新西兰) | 德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 塔拉瓦苏尔 (基里巴斯) |
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 霍尼亚拉 (所罗门群岛) | 德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 维拉港 (瓦努阿图) |
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 苏瓦 (斐济) | 德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 阿皮亚 (萨摩亚) |
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 努库阿洛法 (汤加) | 德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 莫尔兹比港 (巴布亚新几内亚) |
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 密克罗尼西亚 (密克罗尼西亚) | 德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 巴里 (???) |
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 关岛 (关岛) | 德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 努美阿 (新喀里多尼亚) |
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 帕皮提 (法属波利尼西亚) | 德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 阿德莱德 (澳大利亚) |
Lanatal constantly develops new type of decorative curtains/fabrics for room and architectural decoration. Metal bead drapery is one of them. We supply metal beads formed curtains and partitions in various beads shapes, sizes and beautiful colors. Mainly used for decorating and separating of architectural spaces.
Technical Information:
Material: Stainless Steel sus304, 316 and 316L, aluminum and other metals.
Bead Shapes:
Round, spherical, rice shaped beads, pumpkin-shaped, or custom shape.
Colors Available:
Silver white, bronze, red bronze, gold, black and other colors to match the surrounding spaces.
Bead Sizes:
2.4 mm; 3.0 mm; 3.2 mm; 4.0 mm; 4.5 mm; 5.0 mm; 6.0 mm; 6.5 mm; 8.0 mm; 10.0 mm; 12.0 mm. Custom bead sizes accepted.
Curtain Sizes:
Custom length and width.
Surface Treatment:
Galvanized and various plating.
Applications: Metal bead curtains are used for separating and decorating of various architectural spaces and functions, also used for covering of lamps and other furniture.
Activity: Lanatal Decorative Mesh Curtains Co.